If you’re responsible for marketing your senior care organization, one of the most important components of your marketing assets is your website. As the first place prospective clients go to vet your qualifications, understand your care, and connect emotionally is your website, so it must:
Revitalizing vs. Redoing Your Website
Whether choosing to revitalize your existing website or create a new one, Greatness Digital will keep your site fresh, dynamic, and a place where clients and prospective clients will visit time and time again.
For more information on website services, please contact us here.
That’s why after designing and building 100+ websites – we’ve developed a simple, proven process to create a website that fits your companies caring qualities, builds your brand, and helps your ideal customers trust you enough to connect.
Based on a decade of experience working with senior living & senior care companies in nearly every practice and geographic area, acclaimed Greatness Digital knows how to obtain results that make a difference. Here are some of the reasons to consider a revitalized website design:
You can expect the web design process to take at least 2 months but can often be extended with more complex designs.
Greatness Digital creates your website but it's yours. You can take your website and host it where ever you want BUT we prefer you to have our websites hosted and supported with our very affordable hosting plans starting at $50 / month.
Check out our process page to see this answered in detail.
Essentially, you simply need to start the conversation with us. We'll walk you through everything we need to create a stunning website.
We primarily do semi-custom websites. You choose a template that "generally" fits your overall design preference and then we customize it to your brand.
*We do offer fully custom developed solutions with custom proposals upon request.
Greatness Digital provides best-in-class digital marketing and web design to senior living & senior care companies. We show the world your greatness.